White Label SEO Reseller Plans

Our unique white label SEO plans can help you deliver massive SEO results to your clients, profitably and passively.


Hi, I’m Jeff Couret, founder of SEOak. My goal with SEOak’s SEO reseller programs is to help established digital marketing company owners provide better results for their clients. This page will tell you all about my SEO reseller plans.

Here’s my story:

Only a few short years ago, I had a “generalist” web design (and everything else digital) business that was struggling to stand out.

Every day I wondered why the companies I wanted to work with wouldn’t hire me or even consider me even though I knew I was very good at what I do. I was way too dependent on one client (around 75% of my business), and I knew that is a risky way to run a digital marketing business. I was forced to take some full-time jobs which, as an entrepreneur at heart, didn’t end well.

Until one day, thanks to some awesome mentors and masterminds I invested in, I realized that my business was going to have to specialize if I wanted it to survive. Not only in the types of people I wanted to work with, but in the type of work I did.

I was also motivated by mentors to “productize” my service because I knew it would help me stand out even further and systematize the business like never before.

Because of this newfound motivation, I decided I wanted to help “my people”, that’s right, the people who are just like me. That’s the established digital marketing companies. I also decided to specialize in SEO because I knew it was one of my most valuable skills.

Because I decided exactly who I wanted to help and exactly what I wanted to do for them, I was the obvious choice for channel partners and champions in the space to recommend me to any established digital marketing companies who need to offer SEO to their clients. I also got the clarity I needed of where I should be providing value on the web to get new leads to notice me.

Until finally my business revenue soared to new heights that I hadn’t been able to achieve in over 10 years of being a generalist web designer. On top of that, because of productization, my business systems have never been more of a well-oiled machine.

Ever since this shift in my business happened, I’ve been able to work with more than 25 partners (that’s what I call the established digital marketing companies), helping them increase their monthly recurring revenue by delivering SEO strategy and implementation to their clients on behalf of their digital marketing brand.

That’s where you come in.

Our partners (that’s you) resell our white label SEO services for around 1.1x-1.7x what we charge. This allows you to make more recurring revenue each month from our SEO reseller packages, and your clients reap a healthy return on their organic SEO investment. On top of that, we get to run a business working with some amazing people (also you).

seo reseller plans

It really is that simple to become an SEO reseller.

That said, our white label SEO program is not for you if you’re looking for fancy tools, dashboards, or automated SEO audits. All of our SEO reports are hand-crafted in a way that could never be replicated by an automated SEO tool. However, I should mention that SEOak acts as a curator for the best and latest SEO tools, so we will definitely use relevant ones when it makes sense to. What we do is more of a boutique approach to SEO.

We prefer to communicate with our white label SEO partners the “old-fashioned way” – via e-mail, phone, and Skype.

Using our white label SEO program has worked out really well for a lot of our partners, as you’ll see in our testimonials below. As far as our best successes in “end clients” (aka our partner’s clients), we’ve seen the most success in eCommerce companies. We’ve also had success in lead-generation sites – from your typical HVAC-type company to a high-end Rooftop Bar in NYC looking for private event leads.

Well, that’s the high-level view of SEOak’s white label SEO program. Feel free to take a look at SEOak’s monthly seo reseller plans below, as well as our MRR Accelerator program (our sales companion product that helps you sell our ongoing SEO plans).

Got questions? I don’t blame ya. This can be a bit much to take in. Reach out today and learn more about our SEO reseller cost – We look forward to it.

I’m still confused. What is this white label SEO / SEO reseller programs about?


White label SEO AKA SEO reselling is basically a way to sell someone else’s SEO services as your own. It replaces the need in your company for you (or your team) to do SEO strategy, SEO implementation, hiring for SEO, paying for SEO tools, and we can even talk to your clients and prospects about SEO for you! It’s basically a whole SEO department in one convenient, easy-to-implement solution. We are your trusted digital marketing resellers.


How do I know if SEOak’s SEO Reseller Programs are for me?

  • You are already selling ongoing digital marketing services to your clients, but want a better organic SEO solution
  • You want to start selling ongoing digital marketing services to your clients and you want to sell organic SEO along with other marketing channels
  • You want either SEO strategy by itself or a combination of SEO strategy with implementation

How can I tell if this is a bad fit for me?

  • You want to handle the SEO strategy and just have SEOak do the implementation
  • You want to start selling ongoing marketing plans that only include organic SEO (SEO is a long game, best to supplement it with other marketing tactics in most cases)
  • You want one white label company to handle all of your traffic generation needs including PPC

What sets SEOak apart from other organic SEO reseller programs?

  • I customize my organic SEO tactics around the very specific needs and opportunities of your client. Other SEO reseller companies have a set package of tactics they try to apply to every client – whether it makes sense or not.
  • No fly-by-night contractors means we only work with reputable people. When your business reputation is on the line, there’s no need to risk it. Be part of SEOak’s SEO partner program.
  • Better than hiring a salaried SEO expert. Not only is it way more affordable than providing their salary (~$76k/year), benefits, office space, and supplies – but you also don’t have to worry about the headaches surrounding hiring process, human resources, management, training, and determining a culture fit.
  • SEOak is not your typical SEO / digital marketing company that just happens to offer SEO reseller services among several others; I am focused on being a great SEO reseller and nothing else. You can check SEOak’s reseller program reviews to help you decide.

Years of experience generating organic SEO results

Number of digital marketing companies who trust SEOak to power their SEO

“… I’m confident that if I hand a client over to you they’re going to be taken care of, I just have to do the minimal things…”

(see video below for full testimonial)

Garth Jordan

Owner, Jordan Creative

"... I'm seeing results... I'm noticing more traffic coming through on a monthly basis..."


(see video below for full testimonial)

Paul June

President, Barrel O' Monkeyz

"... the big benefit I've found with SEOak is that it solves a lot of pains for me..."


(see video below for full testimonial)

Denny Cave

Owner, LightIgnite

SEOak's comprehensive SEO Roadmaps are detailed and easy to follow. If you follow the roadmap you will be successful. Jeff is responsive and not a typical SEO specialist. He will work with you to make sure that you are not just ranking for keywords, but ranking for profitable keywords. I would recommend SEOak to any digital marketing agency that needs SEO support.

James Weis

Digital Marketing Strategist / Owner, RevampAgency

"SEOak is a fantastic resource for all things SEO. After having Jeff audit the site, I came away from our meeting with a notebook full of ideas on ways I could boost traffic and sales. He helped me breathe new life into an outdated marketing plan. I will be contacting SEOak again for future projects."

Gretchen Cawthon

Owner, Left Right Labs

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are some typical examples of action items?

The number in parenthesis represents the number of action items it would take.

Content Creation Action Items:

  • (1) Find a keyword opportunity for authority content #1
  • (1) 150 words of content creation for authority content #1
  • (1) Gather images for authority content #1
  • (1) Create quick blog image for authority content #1
  • (1) Publish authority content #1 on website
  • (1) Optimize page for authority content #1

Link Building Action Items:

  • (1) Evaluate a competitor's backlink profile for reverse-engineering purposes
  • (1) Find ~2 broken link building opportunities

Architecture and User Experience Action Items

  • (1) Implement conversion goal tracking
  • (1) Develop, optimize, and implement homepage title tag & description for one page
  • (1) Warm up our inbound link creation targets
  • (1) Create a client e-mail address and connect it to our email system
  • (1) Study link creation target content and linking trends
  • (1) Keyword research
  • (1) Develop a better title tag infrastructure for the subpages
  • (1) Optimize ~5 images
  • (1) Remove organic search spam from Google Analytics
  • (1) Set up segmenting in Google Analytics to drill down search analytics
  • (1) Set up client with a phone call tracking service (client typically pays for this service directly)

What if a task is bigger than an action item?

Bigger tasks will need to be broken into a couple of action items. Here are some potentially bigger tasks and their respective number of action items. Anything a little more complex than the single action items above will consist of multiple action items. Here are a few examples:

  • (4) Set up a split testing service and a test (client typically pays for this service directly)
  • (4) Move standalone blog to the main domain
  • (2) Create and send an outreach/followup campaign
  • (5) On-page optimization of one page including keyword research and ~450 words of content creation
  • (5) Mid-tier inbound link
  • (4) Mid/low-tier inbound link
  • (3) Low-tier inbound link
  • (30) Higher-quality inbound link campaign, yielding 5 or more links

What could a realistic first month look like on a 14 action item plan?

The first month is usually spent getting the site's on-page SEO ducks in a row and start planning our first "power page".  Typically it looks something like this:

  • (1) Keyword research to determine initial list of main and secondary keywords to focus on first (homepage)
  • (1) Develop, optimize, and implement homepage title tag & description for home page
  • (1) Implement basic conversion goal tracking
  • (1) Remove organic search spam from Google Analytics
  • (1) Optimize ~5 images
  • (2) Research and develop a list of ~10 link creation targets
  • (1) Study link creation target content and linking trends
  • (1) Create power page topic
  • (1) Power page content framework planning
  • (4) Start creating a power page (these four action items cover the first 600 words of an eventual 1500+ word piece of content)

What could a realistic second month look like on a 14 action item plan?

Bigger tasks will need to be broken into a couple of action items. Here are some potentially bigger tasks and their respective number of action items. The number in parenthesis represents the number of action items it would take.

  • (6) Continue creating the power page we started last month (these six action items cover the next 900 words of the piece of content)
  • (1) Create a quick banner/graphic for a piece of content (revisions included)
  • (1) Publish a piece of content to the site and optimize the page
  • (2) Add 10 more link creation targets to our list
  • (2) Send out a round of e-mails to ~20 link creation targets
  • (1) Study link creation target content and linking trends
  • (1) Create our next power page topic

What kind of results can I expect?

Our plans typically generate a positive ROI for our "end clients". That said, the actual results varies heavily from client to client. To help answer this question, we recommend you consider our MRR Accelerator (sales companion offering) so we can take a deep dive into your client's operation and give you some timelines to success and return on investment estimates.

What if I want my team to take care of some of the action items and just have you do the things we don't want to do (or aren't great at)?

During the engagement, we will reach out to you via email at the beginning of each new period and let you know the action items for the upcoming month. If you have any concerns with the plan, just reply back and let us know within a few business days and we can adjust from there.

Can SEOak help me sell these ongoing SEO plans to my clients?

Absolutely. Our MRR Accelerator (SEO sales companion offering) can help you frame your sales discussions about ongoing marketing into plain dollars and cents that make a very compelling argument for your client to invest.

Do you have any other plans available?

Sure. Let's talk.

Are bulk discounts available?

Absolutely. Let's talk.

How does reporting work?

Our "monthly updates" essentially serve as an SEO report.

Sent to you (or directly to your client, if you prefer) as an unbranded Word doc, they include a look at how your client's KPI's (sales, leads generated, e-mail signups etc) are being affected by organic traffic, a look at how their overall organic traffic is changing, a look at how their current traffic compares historically, and any relevant thoughts on new challenges or opportunities we've uncovered in our monthly analysis.

We can even give some ranking reports if you'd like - but we'd recommend having your client focus on increases in organic traffic and KPI's - you know, actual results - instead of "vanity metrics" like "first page for blah blah blah". This way we can utilize medium and long tail keywords to generate the results instead of being "limited to only the big sexy keywords"

We also give a letter grade for each of our Three Pillars of SEO along with some perspective on why they got the letter grade they did. We try to keep these "reports" as short as possible (usually 1 page, although screenshots can push it to 2-3 pages), which is in sharp contrast to some other  white label SEO companies who like to send a huge SEO report with tens of pages that your clients will never have time to look through.

Lastly, the monthly update has a list of the action items (or suggestions) for the month, along with accountability for the action items from previous month(s) and how they're coming along.

With our SEO reseller programs, just sit back and relax and have the action items taken care of on your behalf - you don't even have to reply to the email. But if you'd prefer we spend your action items in another area, just let us know within a few business days of receiving the monthly update and we'll use that time in a way that works better for your business.

This is how SEOak provides the most flexible and realistic SEO reseller plans in the white label SEO industry.

I'd love to learn more and look for a fit for my business. How can I make that happen?

Sure, let's look for a fit!

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